A big part of law school is figuring out how you work best. How do you study best? What methods work for you? What time of the day are you most productive? Now, real talk, I didn't study especially hard in undergrad. I mean, I did my homework, and I did well (for the most part) in my classes, but I never had to work especially hard at it. I'm a quick reader, a quick typist, and I tend to retain things pretty well. This was all fine in undergrad, but it made for one crappy law student. Now, all of these important study method questions that so many figured out so long ago, I have to answer now.
SO, as of today, how do I study best? I still don't know. Sometimes, I'm in the library. Other times, I'm at the kitchen table, or my couch, or my bed. (The last one is definitely not conducive to productivity). Every once at a while, I'm at my desk. I'm not a big fan of silence but my mild ADD makes having the tv or music on pretty distracting.
What methods work for me? Highlighting is pretty cool. Briefing was nice, until I ran out of time to do it (DEFINITELY need to pick this back up again). Jury's still out on typing and supplements.
What time of the day am I most productive? Ummmm, never? Is that an acceptable answer? I am actually ALWAYS distracted or exhausted. Yesterday, I fell asleep on my book with a cat on my head. Mornings are nice because it's quiet, I have coffee, and my sleepy kittens lounge next to me instead of on top of my notebooks. BUT, they require waking up early. Afternoons are great but I'm usually in class, and when I'm not, I'm eating and then sleeping. Evenings? .... Night? I do work because I'm down to the wire but mostly I'm just sleepy the whole time.
A classmate of mine said it best when she told me that everyone in law school is smart. So now, it's not a matter of how smart you are, but how hard you work. And THIS, my friends, is going to require me to step up my game.
Wish me luck!
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